Tubular Carcinoma

Tubular carcinoma (A and B) and medullary carcinoma (C and

cystic basal cell

invasive lobular carcinoma

untreated basal cell
Worse Prognosis in Papillary, Compared to Tubular, Early

cutaneous squamous cell
Colonoscopy for Detecting Tubular Adenoma of Colon

papillary carcinoma

cancer kidney renal cell
Tumours of the Kidney

mucinous carcinoma
Photo Library of Pathology

micropapillary dcis histology
Pelvicalyceal System and Ureter

Breast Cancer: the different types, symptoms and treatment

medullary carcinoma

ductal carcinoma cytology, invasive lobular carcinoma grade 2, invasive mammary carcinoma, tubular carcinoma histology, invasive ductal carcinoma grade 1, cribriform type ductal carcinoma, triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma, invasive ductal carcinoma stellate, dcis, tubular carcinoma mammogram, gross tubular carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma cells

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